Step 1 - What Type of User Are You?
Step 2 - Enter Your Information

Step 2 - Select Your Organization
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About Claudine Thiem

Claudine is local businesswoman who has launched several successful businesses in the Erie Area. Her creativity and eye for market needs offer an entrepreneur's perspective on starting a business, making and keeping it relevant and successful.

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Recently Posted Experiences

Classroom Speaker to Discuss Entrepreneurship
Career Speaker
Industry: Business Management & Administration
Audience: Both
Posted By: Claudine Thiem
View Experience
Virtually Connect with a Local Entrepreneur
Virtual Meeting
Industry: Business Management & Administration
Audience: Both
Posted By: Claudine Thiem
View Experience
Step 2-2 - Create Your Organization


This email address that will be displayed on the organization profile page.

This email address is where all interest forms and interest information will be sent to.

You must include the https:// in the website URL for the URL to be correctly linked.

The size for the banner is 1000x200 pixels.
Step 3 - Register Your Personal Account